SafeRingz Stories: Why Benny Chose His Silicone Wedding Ring — SafeRingz

SafeRingz Stories: Why Benny Chose His Silicone Wedding Ring


My wife and I have been married since November 24, 2013. I call her my "beautiful bride" as a reminder to her that she is as beautiful today as the day we got married. It also shows her my devotion to her. Marriage is a God centered commitment between one man and one woman, and my favorite part about being married is having someone you can always turn to and someone to share life with through good times and bad.

We have five children total. She has two girls from a previous marriage and I have one boy. And we both adopted my two nieces after my brother passed away in 2013. That's how you end up with a house full real fast. Needless to say things can get pretty crazy with all them girls in the house. Ha ha!


It's not always easy with a full house, but we trust in God's plan for us and our family. God has blessed me with more than I deserve.

The things I hope my children learn from me is humility, gratefulness and that sometimes you simply have to laugh. And what I hope they learn from mine and my bride’s marriage is that it's not always going to be easy. You won’t agree on different issues, but you should always do what you can to serve your spouse and show her/him you love them and that you are completely committed to them.


I am an electrical contractor and SafeRingz has kept me from getting injured many times. I also love to go hiking and backpacking, especially in extreme cold temperatures. So I'm constantly taking my gloves off and on. With SafeRingz, I don't have to worry about losing an expensive band.


SafeRingz are inexpensive, durable and made right here in the USA.  You can live as active as you want without worrying about losing your precious metal bands that were handed down through generations.


Plus, my beautiful bride knows I love her. My black SafeRingz band stands out on my finger to show the world that I'm a proud and devoted husband to my bride.