Summer Safety Guide — SafeRingz

Summer Safety Guide


The summer sun calls for summer fun, not to mention a few household chores. But whether you’re working hard or playing hard this season, we’ve got the tools and tips to keep you safe all summer long!

When pulling weeds and doing yard work, be sure to always wear gardening gloves.

Cuts and scrapes in the skin make it easy for microorganisms to enter your body. Avoid infections by covering up.

Use caution when operating a lawnmower.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends only using mowers that have a control that stop the blades from moving once the handle is released. The AAP also states that you should NEVER attempt to remove the grass catcher or unclog the discharge chute when the mower is running. Make sure the lawnmower has been turned off and that the blades have stopped moving entirely before doing so.

If you’re firing up the grill, wear oven mitts.

Give the grill your undivided attention because distractions often lead to burns and fires. Regularly cleaning your grill can help to decrease the risk of fires.


Be extremely cautious with fireworks.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, 36% of all fireworks-related injuries are to the hands and fingers. Even sparklers can reach temperatures above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keep the kiddos safe as they swing.

Never allow them to put their fingers through swing chains because doing so can result in broken bones or degloving.

Stay Safe with a Silicone Wedding Band

To stay safe all year round, remember to always wear your SafeRingz wedding band!